Who founded the t-shirt company?
We founded Primo Printing in 2017. The company was started as an educational tool for our son and two nephews. When we returned to foster care (we previously fostered in 2015) earlier this year, we started to utilize Primo Printing as an educational tool for foster kiddos too. Our tagline is as follows: It started with a bond that lead to a dream, which continues with this story. Primo [pree-moh] Printing was started by three cousins with the goal to learn entrepreneurship, hard work, and building the bond between cousins.
Who creates the designs?
The designs are created as a group. We help facilitate the design ideas that the kids bring to us. For example, our current foster placement “V” created the CHANGE shirts. The idea behind the CHANGE shirts is that we don’t always choose CHANGE. Sometimes CHANGE chooses us. This is what V has to say about his shirt idea: “Hi! My name is V and I am 11 years old and in 5th grade. I am currently in foster care for the first time. I came with a backpack, a couple pairs of pants, and a few shirts. I’ve faced many challenges in my life. Being placed in foster care has been life changing. It was a challenge to have to live with a new family and follow their rules. But has allowed me to try and learn things I’ve never done before! It has been a challenge to learn to trust people. I’ve started a fundraiser selling my shirt design and all profits go to myself and other kids in foster care.”
At first, V wanted to earn money to buy a hoverboard. After showing him how we have helped others in the community, he realized that he didn’t want to use money earned through the CHANGE shirts for a hoverboard. Instead, he wanted to buy a pair of shoes (Vans) and use the remaining money to help others in similar situations as him. We continue to work with V to realize that even though unfortunate events brought him into our home, he can still make positive growth.
What is your favorite part about owning a t-shirt company?
Owning Primo Printing has provided the opportunity to show our kids the joys of giving back. Last Christmas season, we adopted several families in our community. The kids were given the family’s demographics and they picked out presents for them and were then able to deliver them to those families who were not as privileged as our boys. The kids will tell you that the best thing about having this company is seeing people in the community wearing shirts that we produced. As our kiddos grow older or as we have older foster kids in our home, we want to utilize Primo Printing as a mechanism to earn money. For example, we may provide a pair of generic shoes, but our kiddos want an expensive brand name shoe. We will not buy the kiddos that brand name pair of shoes but we will provide the mechanism for them to earn it. They will be able to design, develop, and market a t-shirt, hoodie, etc. to earn money to then purchase that brand name shoe.
Where do the proceeds go?
Profits are not used as a financial gain as much as they are to give back to the community. For example, we have ordered hundreds of face masks and will be distributing to those in need in our community. We do fundraisers for preschools, universities, and hospitals. The kids make and give away shirts and hoodies to their classmates and friends. They hold raffles and contests for free merchandise. They give back to families in need in the community. Because we started this company as an education tool, profits are not really of concern other than keeping the company operational. As the kids get older, we are excited to see where they will take the business.
Where can people order your shirts to support foster kids?
Our website is www.PrimoPrinting.org where we have an online store. You can also find us on Facebook at PrimoPrintingLLC. We can also be contacted via email at [email protected].
What would you say to someone who is considering foster care in Colorado?
Foster Care humbles your heart. The lows are low, but the highs are amazing. Seeing an abused or neglected child develop and grow has a reward unlike any other. Knowing that you personally changed someone’s life in a positive way is a priceless reward. You will leave a lasting imprint on their heart and soul.
In 2015, we made the decision to become foster parents after coming across the following quote: ADOPT. If you can’t adopt – FOSTER. If you can’t foster – SPONSOR. If you can’t sponsor – VOLUNTEER. If you can’t volunteer – DONATE. If you can’t donate – EDUCATE. We all have the opportunity to change a life — the HOW is up to you.